The Democracy Restoration Group (DRG) is a non-profit organization working on citizens’ political and human rights. DRG works in partnership with student movements, civil society movements, political activists, trade unions, and the general public to strengthen political and human rights movements in Thailand.

DRG is committed to make Thailand truly belongs to Thai people.
DRG intends to change political, legislative, administrative, judicial, and other institutions from the people, to be connected and to be accountable to the people. No organization, institution, or group of individuals can influence or interfere with the power of the people.

The DRG mission
DRG operates under the framework divided into:
1. Policy changes
2. Disseminate human rights information
3. Advocacy work in support of civil and political rights on various issues to strengthen democracy in Thailand
Create a strong civil society movement
DRG works to build a democratic civic movement in support of civil and political rights because we believe that the sustainable transformation of a country originates from the people’s struggle.
Leading Thailand out of authoritarian regimes
DRG strongly opposed to authoritarian regimes that seized people’s power and control the power under a group of a few people. This a deeply rooted idea that human beings are not equal. The authoritarian regime seeks to perpetuate power through mechanisms deceiving the people that the regime is democratic. This idea has controlled and devoured Thai society for a long time.
Create a democratic parliamentary political system with a monitoring and balancing system
DRG believes that the Parliament is the most important institution in a democracy, has the highest legitimacy in monitoring and balancing other users of power, so it must be effective in leveraging the power and making a voice for the people, not just a paper tiger or a rubber stamp for rulers.